Recently, I was using Lightburn to laser cut some shapes - simple square pieces. I had set two pieces in the same layer and selected that layer to output to the laser. I homed the laser and tried to frame the output; it framed ONLY ONE of the two objects. When I deleted the one that was framed, I was left with the second object still on the screen, selected as a layer to output. When I clicked to frame it, Lightburn gave me an error message the there was no selected output. Both of these objects were identical (I had duplicated the first one to create the second), but for some reason, Lightburn would only recognize one of them as existing. What caused this glitch???
can you share the .lbrn file to let us check?
I can, but I’m a new user here and don’t know how to attach the Lightburn file to a message. Can you walk me through how to do that?
Actually, the objects with which I was having this issue were part of a larger project with several other objects included in the layout. I had deleted the other objects, then moved the pair of rectangles to the origin to cut them from a smaller piece of stock. I can do that (delete and move) again and save the resulting file, but whether the problem will resurface again is not guaranteed.
I figured out how to attach the files. The first one is the original project file from which the two rectangles were taken. The second file has only the rectangles, one of which was the culprit. I tried to reproduce the problem from that file, but it did not happen again, so I’m not sure how much help this will be.
Book Box.lbrn2 (1.3 MB)
Missing Object File.lbrn2 (3.4 KB)
Ok when i back home i take a look
I believe I have figured out what was happening here. I had the cut settings on to delete duplicate lines. I had somehow duplicated one of the rectangles and it was in the same exact location as the original. The two shapes in the same location cancelled each other out, so Lightburn did not recognize any output.
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