First, here is someone else with the same issue: Has anyone noticed problems with "User Origin" setting in the latest version of LB? - #15 by renegade1966
Second, guess what? It is now suddenly doing it with the new PC! I believe the PC timed out last night while connected to the laser. When I went to use it today, initially it seemed to have issues communicating with the laser, so I rebooted everything. Homed the laser, closed Lightburn, reopened, and loaded the same file I was using the day before. When I go to the user origin, set in the lower left of the image, it goes to the home position, but trips the left limit switch. I can manually move the head and select Start From Current position, and it will start from that spot using the lower left origin. It appears that the co-ordinates of the origin of the image are incorrect. The gcode txt file is 18.2 mb. How shall I get that to you?