Lightburn doesn't connect to my Raycus QS 30W

Hello people,
I just bought a Raycus QS 30W fibre laser. After disable my PC to ask for digital signature for drivers it works with EZCad2, but i don’t understand that software :open_mouth:
Lightburn can’t find my laser when i click on find my laser. Seller says it would work fine with Lightburn - so where is the problem?


Assuming you already have the LightBurn Pro License, did you also install and verify the EzCad2 driver?;

I installed the driver. My PC did not let me verify it, because the digital signature wasn’t working.

But i found a solution today, when i was angry about the problem: I changed my Settings for security in Security-Manager, so the blockinglist of microsoft is disabled and deleted Lightburn and also all drivers. I plugged in the laser, reinstalled Lightburn and launched Lightburn. Since then everything is working fine :slight_smile:

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