Lightburn doesnt detect 3018 cnc

Yes, the stepper motors “sing” at whatever frequency they’re driven with, and 2 motor together running a complex shape can make some interesting noises.

Heh, if you have several steppers and drive them at the right frequencies you can even play a little tune with them. If you’ve never seen/heard The Floppotron in action, you owe it to yourself to go here: :slight_smile:

either will be fine.

Without them, you’re an accident waiting to happen.

That’s fantastic!

Back in the day I worked on an ICL 1900 series mainframe and we had a card deck (about 3500 cards!) that we could put through it at rest and the machine would play music. If you had another program running, it wouldn’t work.

IBM never had anything like that, but you could print the Mona Lisa on a band/drum printer :slight_smile:

OK the first Fortnite I printed came out pretty well. I believe the settings were actually 700 mm/min and 70% power.

Then I changed over to 400 mm/min and 60% power and it came out without the O and the I in Fortnite.

So right now I changed it to 400 mm/min and 70% power thinking it would be perfect, slow enough speed to burn (way slower than my first try) and 70% power. But I got this:

So at least it didn’t miss letters but it did miss halves of letters. Here is my question:

  1. should I up it to 80%? Because slower doesn’t seem to make much difference.
  2. change svalue max and $30 to 1000?

Im worried that if it can barely make it on paper, it won’t work on wood or any other mats :confounded:

You are testing on the hardest thing to laser with a diode, white paper. Most of the beam is being reflected off of the paper. Try using brown cardboard and you will see a dramatic difference in the ability to mark or cut it.

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What does the source design look like? That does not look like it spells Fortnite. :slight_smile:

Oh! Thanks…didn’t think of that. It reflects most of the wavelengths.

OK one more thing while I’m at it. I have a phone case, made out of some rubbery material, soft rubber. What do you recommend in order to know if it would work or just melt the rubber into a messy slop?

No, that last one wasn’t fortnite it was #FueraJOH, it’s a Honduran thing. But you can tell the letters are not complete.

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