Lightburn dsp omtech framing speed

On my Atezr, lightburn used my Move Tab → Speed for the movement to the frame and for the framing itseld. However on my CO2 Omtech 2028 60w Lightburn does not seem to use the selected Move Tab → Speed for the actual movement to the start of the frame.

I have speed set to 100mm/s on the Move Tab and when framing the speed used to move to start of frame is very very much slower (much slower to 5 or 10 mm/sec). Clicking the arrow on the Move Tab gives movements at the set speed, but when I hit frame the speed used to move to the start of the frame is super slow. The speed used during the actual framing is fast (seems to be the set speed).
2024.04.10_15.04.00 Screenshot

Have you tried changing the speed here?

I will restate my issue since that setting is exactly to what I was referring when I said movement is set to 100mm/sec.

Sorry I was not precise I was posting the from memory and I should I looked at exactly what Lightburn called the setting.

Ruida controllers handle framing internally using a speed set through the machine console. On my KT332N, it’s buried under Menu → Parameters → Go Frame, but it’ll surely be somewhere else on yours.

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Thanks I was looking at the controller and notice several settings that we do not have access to in Lightburn, this was one.

I had posted this on my other issue which is ridges like a quarter on my circle cuts (if you have any thoughts on that I would appreciate the help). Omtech 2028 60w circle not smooth but is an exact circle

I’d suggested ripping the laser head apart to look for loose stuff, so if you haven’t done that, it’ll be worth your time.

“Maschine Settings” in the Lightburn reads the values of the Machine Controller and shows them, I am reasonably sure that all settings can be accessed from LB.

Changing the Go Frame Speed in the console produces no change in the *libset file holding the Vendor Settings, so I think it’s just not reported.

AFAICT, the controller handles rectangular framing internally, but LightBurn implements rubber-band framing by sending separate line segments. The latter surely runs at a different speed, probably the Idle Speed or the speed in LightBurn’s Move window (which may be the same for all I know).

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Don’t think this is true… You can’t change a number of the settings via software on a Ruida.

Can’t change it’s IP, blower mode or origin via software and these are just a few of them, I’d be shocked if this was all of them.


Ok, that’s true enough I reformulate my “statement”

I think many and important settings can be reached from LB, through “Maschine Settings”, but there are some exceptions.

The list of the settings that can be reached through Lightburn is here:, it applies to KT332n.

I hope nothing bad has happened by my first “statement” I didn’t know better …

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