Lightburn DXF, PNG and PDF file imports are distorted

Hi! I am having an issue with Lightburn as far as saving files, exporting in SVG or DXF and them becoming unusable. I am on Lightburn 1.3.00 and am importing the SVG file into Inkscape to save as a PNG or PDF file for my shop. Here is the issue I am having. After saving the file as a DXF if I import or open in LB it is mangled. I do not understand why, when it was saved with LB.

When I open the SVG in Inkscape and save as a PNG or PDF when I try to import or open with LB only half of the file opens. The outline of the cut area in red does not show! I am confused as to why!

I did read there were issues with DXF and the latest version fixed that, but I had to roll the LB back to 1.3.00 to make it work with inkscape, as in the higher versions of it was even worse! If Inkscape is the problem, can anyone tell me another method of saving the LB SVG file into a PNG or PDF file. Thank you in advance
! I have included a picture of how it looks when I open the files in LB.
zzz error lb|690x311

Can you explain your overall workflow? I’m trying to understand your overall goal and what’s driving the various conversions required.

Also, it sounds like LightBurn is the original source for the graphics, correct? Can you upload a sample .lbrn file with the LightBurn graphics that you’re trying to convert?

Hi, I am converting files for customers. I save it as a DXF or SVG and then open in Inkscape and Save the file as a PDF and PNG. Some use SVG, some use PDF and others use PNG. So I have to have them all. Even with a free web based convertor from the LB SVG it looses the red shaped outline on the files.

Can you upload a sample .lbrn file where you’re experiencing this issue?

Note that in general I’d suggest using SVG over DXF when going from LightBurn to Inkscape.

LB sample.lbrn2 (29.6 KB)
Here is a file. When I open this in Inkscape as the svg I saved, and make it into a PNG it looses the red lines.

LB sample
LB sample
Here are the svg saved from LB and the PNG saved from the svg in Inkscape. Thanks Ha Ha I am working on valentines sayings studs!

It looks to me like the red line is in fact there. However, it’s very thin relative to the other content so is not readily visible.

Increase the stroke width to make it visible.

After increasing stroke width:

OK how do I do that? I just tried 4 different programs and on one I could faintly see the lines. On Inkscape I have it to enhance thin lines. But it doesn’t on all files. Thanks

  1. Open file in Inkscape
  2. Select shape
  3. In Fill and Stroke tab, increase Width


OK is there a way to do it in Lightburn? Or only in Inkscape? Thank you so much for all of your help!!! I have been pulling my hair out trying to get this figured out!

Thank you that worked like a charm!!!

No. LightBurn doesn’t have a concept of stroke thickness. You should think of laser lines as basically infinitely thin.

Glad that worked for you.

As @berainlb said LB doesn’t have any concept of stroke thickness but there is a way to simulate it. I don’t know whether this gives an acceptable result for you but you could try offsetting the heart outline by your desired stroke width like this:

Hope this helps.

Hi Marcus, thanks, I did a full fill on one of the studs and that was fine, but if they are using something like Silhouette or Cricut the thickness of the offset messes up the cuts. But I will keep that in mind. It is not every line that does that, which is weird. Thanks for your help.

Lightburn exports all SVG stroke width at 0.05mm. I did a hack in the LB EXE a long time ago to rectify that, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone :slight_smile: Just easier to update it in Inkscape.

Thank you!

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