my computer, and then that was? I can’t spell, radiation.
Assuming you updated the firmware, do you remember from which version
Type in console
press enteR
press enter
Press enter
Copy all the output and paste here please
I have not done that. Currently not. 3 year… How do I do it?
Make sure you are connected to the laser, then
[ORIGIN: China]
[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2]
[OLF: 191]
[SN: 53CCB5FA04092AE3A4D269B89C4811FE]
[DATE:15:05:32 - Mar 13 2023]
Target buffer size found
[ORIGIN: China]
[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2]
[OLF: 191]
[SN: 53CCB5FA04092AE3A4D269B89C4811FE]
[DATE:15:05:32 - Mar 13 2023]
Target buffer size found
Everything SEems correct
Try this
press enter in the console window
When the laser responds MSG: Restoring defaults
Tap reset, then power on again
Does it still alarm 2?
Thats good
Now try a simple shape, make sure you are in Absolute Coordinates, not current position.
Try frame or engrave it
You will need to use text to explain what is happening please.
In absolute coordinates, do you get alarm 2?
Is Laser homing at start up correctly?
Never mind good good…
Yeah it’s OK, Current Position Not going anywhere… One time you know it’s good and next time…
This is a matter of not understanding fully what you are requesting the laser
Current position - center - right after homing will ALWAYS ALarm 2.
Think of it. The laser is at X0 Y0 after homing
You are requesting LightBurn to send a job that you want to start from design center, but you want it to start from where the laser is.
Laser is at X0 Y0 - Remember moving the laser head to the center does not tell the motherboard the laser moved
So if you press Start - the laser had to go 50% outside the left side and 50% outside the frame down.
Try Current position, Bottom/left origin
Example - This is what the controller “sees” as you press Start
The grid is your laser physical boundries
Red dot = Where laser thinks laser head is
Green dot, object origin
Current position Center
Current position TOP riggh
Current position bottom left
Awesome thank you so much!
Move Selection to Laser Position
This button will move the current selection to the current position of the laser head. The selection is placed relative to the laser head based on the setting of the 9-dot corner control on the Numeric Toolbar
What about “Hold” not going anywhere?
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