Lightburn Inverting SVG Artwork

I’m new to Lightburn and I’m trying to figure it out. I’m an illustrator so my main use of Lightburn is going to be to import svg files that I’ve created in Illustrator into Lightburn.

I immediately ran into a wall, and my business partner who has been using Lightburn for much longer says he’s always had issues with my svgs and hasn’t ever found an easy fix for this problem.

The wire preview in Illustator shows all the correct shapes. Everything is expanded. Fonts outlined, etc. It’s very clean black and white illustrations.

When I import them into lightburn, it will select only the outside line of the illustration and then just the big open white areas. It, for some reason, will not see the outside line connected to the shape underneath it which forms the true black outline and any of the black shapes touching it.

It will recognize the black areas independent of the outline inside the shapes, but that is all. I’m at a loss of what to do.


My crystal ball is out of batteries.

It would REALLY help if you posted screen capture of your issue. Even better, post a sample file that exhibits your issue. I am confident we can get you straightened out.

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Lightburn runs the FILL logic by completed shapes. If the shape is not “closed” it will not fill.

Completely wrong answer for this problem*

Select the entire shape. Open the OFFSET tool. Choose outer shapes only. Set offset distance to .02mm

See if that helps.

It didn’t. It still will only recognize the outside line only (not the most outer cut line) and not the complete shape.

What do you mean by it will only recognize?

**** Completely wrong andswer for this problem***

Set offset distance to 0.00 and deselect outer shapes only.

Try again.

Show us your PREVIEW…

I traced directly into LightBurn and it worked perfectly, right?

I had no problem importing your SVG into LB. The only issue, is you had a duplicate perimeter shape.

Your display is set to “not fill” on the computer screen . Change that under your settings tab

The preview screen will show you what will come out of the laser. The red shows you where the laser head will travel. You can turn that off