Lightburn is turning on laser at startup

We have a laser system using a JCZ LMCV4-FIBER-M board with a 20W JPT LP-series MOPA laser. The system has a door interlock which shuts down the laser when the door is open. Any attempt to fire the laser while the door is open will cause the source to lock itself out and require a power cycle to come back. This is a known issue that we already had with Ezcad but could be worked around by making sure the door was closed before clicking start.

With Lightburn we have found the laser locking itself out at random, even when we haven’t tried to mark anything. There is a 25-way ribbon cable between the scan card and laser source which has two control signals labelled MO and AP, which control the master oscillator (MO) and power amplifier (AP) sections of the laser (see attached from scan card manual). By probing these signals we’ve found that Lightburn will turn on the MO signal even when not cutting. This happens when:

  • Lightburn is first opened
  • The PC resumes from sleep while Lightburn is open
  • After clicking OK in the Machine Settings window
  • Sometimes when closing Lightburn
  • Possibly other times we haven’t found yet.

My gut feeling is this is every time Lightburn starts a new connection to the scan card.

This is a big usability issue for us/our customers but I also think it’s a potential safety issue for users of open machines without interlocks. Although it doesn’t seem to be enabling the PA so it doesn’t produce a pulse, it’s still possible that some light will leak out whenever the MO is enabled. This shouldn’t be happening when the user isn’t cutting anything and so doesn’t expect their laser to produce any light.

Really appreciate any help you can give with this.

With further testing we’ve found Ezcad does the same thing when the “Laser leak handle” option is not ticked. We’ve always had this option ticked but the option doesn’t seem to exist in Lightburn.

I have no idea about the laser leak handle…?

Sounds like a typical Chinese translation.

I don’t know how these signals work, but I’d suggest that @JohnJohn take a look and see if it’s something that Lightburn knows about or is even under their control…

I don’t know how these are controlled and only the developers at Lightburn probably knows…

I have, what sounds like a similar machine and don’t see this…

I don’t run EZCad …


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I just read the support ticket.
Some of our best folks are looking at it right now.

Any idea of what the laser leak handle setting is for?


My guess is Tickle-Current Control or Enable.

Auto-correct may have changed Tickle-current to Trickle Current which is not completely different but starts to get closer to Leak.

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Those folks obviously don’t worry about safety and, after they go blind, they stop lasering.

That said, yeah, it ought not fire when you’re not ready … :person_shrugging:

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