I am having a problem with my own laser system. Even though I set the laser power to 100% on lightburn, it does not work at maximum power. However, if I set it to 100% on the MKS DLC v2.1 screen, the laser works at full power. I want to adjust the laser power from within lightburn, not from the screen. I would be glad if you could help me.
In lightburn Console type $$ then hit enter key. Look for parameter $30 and note value. Go to Device settings and look for S-Value Max parameter. That value must match the $30 value. Change it in device settings to match if they don’t. Most typically it should be 1000, but it could be any value. The important thing is that they match.
I couldn’t see a statement like you said in the MKS DLC configuration, it says something different in $30. In Lightburn, $30 shows a value of 1000. I added the pictures.
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