LightBurn *.lbrn2 file fails with errors, now when saved to computer as *.nc and then run with LightBurn it still fails with the same errors. When the same *.nc it is run with LaserGRBL it works just fine.
LightBurn ver 1.0.02
Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro - FW1.55
The errors range from:
1: Error:24 “Two G-code commands that both require the use of the XYZ axis words were detected in the block”
2: [MSG:Laser exposure timeout! Check TroubleShooting Section in User Manual.]
3: forgot to get the error but there was a 3rd.
Just ran again: LightBurn
Two G-code commands that both require the use of the XYZ axis words were detected in the block.
On or near line 393:
Job halted
Stream completed in 0:31
And LaserGRBL
Completed project. 22min
I have
1: Grounded the chassis
2: secured the USB cable
3: eliminated any table vibration
4: removed the sleep for USB option for Win10
new power cord/USB not needed, cuz project completed with LaserGRBL and i’m only using 1% power.
next option is to delete the file and recreate it from scratch…