Lightburn loads old version of file

I have lightburn installed on 3 computers, when I modify a design (originally drawn on the laptop) on the one attached to the laser, then copy it to my laptop and open it on the laptop it loads an old version of the file. I can open it on my tablet (Surface GO) and it is OK, latest version. This has continued to happen for at least the last three update 1.504 to 1.506 probably more. All 3 computers are running the same version.

How are you storing and copying files?

LightBurn itself has no concept of file versioning so if you’re getting working copies of older versions of the file then the issue is almost certainly going to be in the workflow or on the OS side.

Are you using a cloud drive solution to do this or do you have file versioning enabled in Windows?

Do you have the same OS on all 3 computers?

I am copying the latest file to a usb stick or copying directly over my network, makes no difference. Usually I “save as” with the date added to the file name ie. 20240309dragonlady.lbrn . Sometimes I just save the file without changing the name and copy that to the laptop replacing the one already on the laptop, makes no difference. That works between 2 computers but the laptop still shows a previous version, the changes made on the other computer do not show.
I have only noticed this with one file, but I haven’t checked any others.

Interesting. How are you opening the file?

Are you opening directly from USB or after first copying to the local computer?

And are you opening through Explorer? Through Recent File list, or through the File->Open dialogue?

I have tried all of the above. Usually copy to the pc and use file>open.
It is acting as if the file has the original drawing then all of the instructions for modifications and the laptop is not reading to the end of the file. The file does load ok on the “Surface GO” . I think my next step will be to completely uninstall from the laptop and reinstall.

OK, found the problem, Keyboard->seat interface problem.
Laptop was set to GRBL-M3 and other PC set to Ortur LM2, so when I viewed the same file on the other computer everything moved around (a loot) and I thought it was a different version of the file. All behaving now. Thanks for looking.

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