Lightburn/MacBook(intel)/Creality Falcon 10

First-timer and the lack of documentation on Mac usage with Creality Falcon is astounding. Just trying to get connection to the laser right now. MacBook Pro (Intel chipset) using the USB A to USB C cable provided. When I run a device search in LB, the laser beeps twice, then no device shows up in the software – it’s blank and the add button is grayed out. What’s the secret handshake?

Before I knew about the Device button, I was getting a device is paused or busy message in console.

I’m not a Mac person (a pox be on their houses :laughing:) so forgive me if this is a stupid question: do you have the drivers loaded (I don’t know if they are needed)?

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Typically don’t have to install drivers with Mac. I have seen comments that the newer chipsets (M1 and M2) don’t work with lasers, but there are some Mac users out there that apparently have no issues. All the software that came with the unit are Windows files (which I would never open anyway - USBs from China are not the safest things out there) and other than LightBurn works with Mac…crickets.

more likely is a USBc identification issue
Open your terminal
ioreg -p IOUSB

copy/paste output?

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SOLVED. Operator Error. LightBurn defaulted to the Bluetooth connection (button just to the right of the device button) and I never noticed that. Once I set it to USB, I was off and running. I did install 340 drivers right before that, so it may have needed both of those. Made my first cut and everything is working. Thanks for everyone’s help!

Im having the same problem with my MacBook Pro running Sonoma 14.5. If you don’t mind checking, what USB driver(s) is your Mac displaying in your system report (apple button, about this Mac, more info, system report). Ive tried loading CH341 drivers several times and no changes occur in my USB device tree.

What model of Macbook is this? Anything recent, especially ARM Macs, may benefit from introducing a USB hub, in particular USB2, between the Mac and laser to force a USB2 connection.

where did you download the 340 drivers from for Mac?

Mac’s have had built-in drivers for the CH340 chips for quite some time. I’m on a MacBook Pro M1 and it works without my having dowloaded a driver.