I have a diode laser on a V1 MPCNC Primo running a Jackpot board. Have been controlling this with lightburn for over a year with zero problems. Connected over USB. 2 days ago my computer wigged out and I had to do a full reset on it. Have lightburn back installed but I can no longer connect to it. I know my usb cable is good, I can connect to the board using FluidNC Fluidterm and talk to it just fine. I have verified the correct com port in lightburn as well. I even downgraded to 1.6.03 to see if that was the issue but no change. Any help here would be greatly appreciated!!!
I have verified the baud rate is set correctly as well. And still no change. Not sure what else I need to check. But I have jobs stacking up that I really need to get going. If anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated!
Got it working thanks to help from the V1 Forum
It was the Enable DTR signal that needed to be enabled. Working as it should now
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It is the simple things that wreck the train.
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Every time!