Lightburn no reconoce el grabador (Lightburn does not recognize the recorder)

estaba usando el grabador con otro software y de repente dejó de funcionar

no he logrado hacer que LightBurn reconosca al grabador Eleks Maker A3

I was using the recorder with other software and it suddenly stopped working

I have not been able to get LightBurn to recognize the Eleks Maker A3 burner

In the Laser window, select another COM port and wait a few seconds.
The connect message will appear in the Console window when you select the correct one.

This can be caused by the engraver waking up after the computer.

ya use los puertos que aparecen, pero no se conecta

I already use the ports that appear, but it does not connect

I can not determine the whole problem.

Did the engraver / recorder suddenly stop connecting in the other software as well?

Did you change anything like the USB cable / USB port or move closer to other equipment?

si en el otro software fue que se desconecto. en Lightburn no he podido conectarme desde que compre la licencia. el grabador esta en el puerto COM5. si yo indico el puerto COM5 en el software, aparece ready pero esperando conexion.

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