Lightburn not a valid Win32 application?

I am trying to install the program on my shop desktop, I have it currently installed on my laptop. Granted, the computer is old and I’m using Vista on it, but from what I read, as long as it’s 32 bit and Windows it should install. It won’t, I keep getting the “LightBurn-32Bit-v.4.05.exe is not a valid Win32 application” error. I have tried several times with the same result. Is it because Vista is not supported? I have not tried to upgrade this computer as it isn’t on the internet and all the programs I use on it work so I haven’t needed to. Sure hate to cause I don’t want to risk losing the programs I have that still work. Any suggestions on what is going on?

Can you take a screenshot of the error that you receive?

It’s been a little while but I’ve run the 32-bit version before but not the latest.

I’ll try installing this on Vista a bit later on today.

But make sure that the file is valid. Perhaps try downloading it again as perhaps it was corrupted.

I tried this on 32-bit Vista and got the same results. Seems indeed that Vista will not work for this.

Consider upgrading to at least Windows 7 which your computer should support if it’s running Vista well and you’re computer savvy.

According to the docs, a minimum of Windows 7 is required:

Thank you, I looked and I didn’t see anything on it except that it worked with Windows, but that was in the FAQ. Should have tried to get more info. Anyway, thank you both for the input. I will see about installing Win 7 on it. I don’t get online with it anyway so it doesn’t matter if there is no support or updates on it.

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