LightBurn not finding JPT MOPA laser on Mac

I have a standard license for my CO2 machine, and have updated to the fiber license ($90). I have deactivated and reactivated the license key, but the software is not finding my fiber laser. Mac 12.7 Monterey.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Ensure you have the proper driver. If you have it, it should show up in the usb listing…

Bus 003 Device 008: ID 9588:9899 BJJCZ USBLMCV4

Not sure how to do that on a Mac. I just type lsusb on Ubuntu…

If you go to the license portal, does it show you are enabled for a fiber?


It does show in the software.

This should eliminate the hardware. I’d suggest you check the permissions to ensure you have access to the device… I don’t know how to do that with the Mac.

I’d conclude it’s a protection issue you’re up against.

If you can run Lightburn as root and it connects, then it’s likely a protection issue.

You can always go out to the license portal and it should show that a fiber is authorized to you.

Good luck


Well, I purchased a new PC, and I still have the same issues. Not sure what’s going on.

Did you try running it from a admin or root user?

If the os sees it, there is something blocking access, usually permissions. Running in an admin mode or root, will help determine the cause.


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