Lightburn not seeing BossLaser2436 through USB or Network Cable

So, last night had to switch out laptops and then download Lightburn to new laptop. Prompted me for update to 12.2.04 . Did that. Now my laptop can not find the USB port. I have tried just about everything I know. Please help!

When you update LightBurn and execute the download there’s a few windows that are somewhat easy to ‘Next!’ and skip through. One of those offers the FTDI driver for the Ruida controller for the Boss laser.

I’m not certain which USB driver the Ruida wants but I’d select and add the CH340 driver for good measure as well.

If you re-execute the executable and slow down a touch, and add the drivers when the window asks, that might address it if it was inadvertently overlooked.

You wouldn’t be the first person to have done this because of the shape of the window… pop-up aversion is a thing - I had no idea.

Thanks, I will give it a try and let you know.

  1. John,
  2. I have gone back and checked my controller. Its an AWC708C Plus
  3. I have double checked my settings, reinstalled the software with all the suggested options checked. Restarted both the laptop and the BossLaser.
  4. I have tried USB, Eithernet cable and both USB and Ethernet cable. I have tried pinging the network as shown on the Laser’s Network setting.
  5. When I plug in the USB and disconnect the computer recognizes it and in my Device settings(see attached), the computer still does not see the laser. I have tried searching/find laser through lightburn’s control panel or manually adding it.
  6. It starts to look for it, the popup windows comes up with 1.2.04 then just goes away. If there is anything else please let me know[quote=“CADprof, post:1, topic:79412, full:true”]
  7. So, last night had to switch out laptops and then download Lightburn to new laptop. Prompted me for update to 12.2.04 . Did that. Now my laptop can not find the USB port. I have tried just about everything I know. Please help!
  8. can’t get the images to attach…
  9. JL

I missed the part about the AWC controller in your profile and made the wrong assumption about the Boss laser. I should have caught that.

Images should be drag and drop to the reply box on the forum.

Communication obstacles after the update to 1.2.04 are unexpected.
I have asked the Dev team internally.
I have been assured that the update wouldn’t break the driver.

A change was made to improve communication with the Trocen controller in 1.2.02. Which version did you upgrade from?

If you’re willing and interested, testing by temporarily rolling back a version or two may help us confirm that this is solidly related to the update.

If you do roll back to the earlier version, please test and confirm the USB connectivity by clicking the bottom middle button in the Laser window to list available ports.

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