I have a FoxAlien VastoXXL which I have been using for about 8 months as a dedicated CNC machine via UGS and Easel/VCarvePro. I have had 0 issues with positioning, Homing, Tramming, nor Macro settings.
I powered my Fox Alien Control box down, closed Easel/VCarvePro and UGS, swapped CNC Router and hardware out for my 40W Fox Alien Diode Laser and turned everything back on. I started up LightBurn software (1.4.03) Checked for updates which there aren’t any; and as expected once connected with my COM selection it homed in the bottom left corner of my workspace.
My issue is I cannot seem to get G92 X0 Y0 command to stick and before running $rst=* G54-G59 were all populated with my macro settings from UGS. (Not entirely sure how that information was carried over as they were never set in Lightburn).
Either Way I have managed to clear all G54-G59 coordinates to 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 with exception of [G92: -987.001, -987.001, -3.000]. After the homing sequence and running G92 X0 Y0 it still remains. I am using Absolute Coordinates and Job Origin as Center. I believe what I need is an offset as it appears it thinks it is in negative coordinates.
I can Home then using my Macro “Zero” [G92 X0 Y0] which does nothing as seen here:
This is currently my settings:
At this point, After I Home, I can move X, Y & Z axis, say to X: 450 Y: 450 but then I cannot move anywhere after the initial move:
I was successful at executing:
G10 L2 P1 X-999.998 Y-999.998
BUT it does NOT stay, So I did G92 X0 Y0:
I feel this is something simple, and I’m probably making this much more difficult than it is, but TBH I’m tired and was hoping I could get this up and running quickly. Now saying that I’m not great at GCode and could really use some guidance. I know this has been covered many time, as I’ve searched and tried. And Aside from running the homing sequence followed by: G10 L2 P1 X-999.998 Y-999.998 then: G92 X0 Y0, I can’t get the values to remain in memory. Is this a controller issue? Or did I miss something in Device/Machine or GCode settings.