Lightburn Photo Engraving Questions

Hi - I have searched and have found many different options for my question - but also not answers specific to my question.

I created the file in photoshop - no script ran in photoshop. I saved as a pdf., jpeg, png, and bitmap. I am planning to run this on a piece of tile granite, purchased from JDS.
I have the following setting set:
Loaded the image into LightBurn, set the gamma to 0.85, set the enhance to radius 4, and amount 100. 9.4% power, 90mm/sec, 300 dpi, Stucki dither, lifted the Z 1mm out of focus. except I am manually lifting the Z focus.
Here are some basic questions I have. Do I need to change the photo to grayscale before importing into LightBurn? Do I need to invert this photo? Do I need to make the basketball a grayscale photo prior to importing the text and the fox logo on this?
I have a nova 24 - 100 Watt laser.

Your time and wisdom is much appreciated.

I don’t have experience with it myself but this is the guide Russ made to use with Lightburn:

PDF: (oops sorry can’t upload a PDF here)


LightBurn will automatically convert the image to grayscale for you on import, and you can invert the result by enabling ‘Negative Image’ in the image settings:


You’ll also likely want to be significantly lower than 300 DPI for a 100w tube - probably between 125 and 200.