Lightburn Preview Time Estimates Way off

Hello everyone, first post and first laser. I am testing out my 50w cloudray laser with lightburn, the preview time estimate is way off. It has a simple test taking 19 minutes. Can anyone help me fix?

Thank you,


Welcome to the LB forum @pulseyou .

Like it says on the Additional Settings/Simulation Settings page, those values are just for the preview/simulation and have to be either changed manually, or read from the controller.

Depending on the controller and the type of controller software, it may be possible to read the values from the controller.
The ability to read (on LB GRBL version for example) does not automatically mean the values can be read, nor that they are correct though.
So fine tuning may still be needed to be done manually.

That “Read From The Controller” tab seems not to be available on the galvo software on that page, so it’s either on a different page, or the values have to be changed manually.
I have only a hobby diode with a GRBLish controller, so no idea about the galvo systems.

Doing it manually is no biggie, sooner or later someone with the same laser as You have will share their tried and tested values.

Speaking of the subject, do try to give as detailed description of Your laser (and setup) in Your profile as possible, helps a lot when answering.



Hey Sam!
Thanks for the response. I just updated my profile with the required information. I will keep an eye out for someone with the same laser and their settings. Thank you!

Hi James.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: .

Unfortunately I couldn’t help more than that, but this is a great forum filled with highly knowlegeable people so I’m sure that in no time someone will be able to give at least ballpark values for You.

