After the last update, when I plug the USB cable of the neje laser into the Macbook pro, the computer restarts. If I manage to start a job it stops randomly with the laser turned on an it keeps burning until I unplug it.
It sounds more like a faulty usb interface or cable or a grounding problem. That it then happens along with your update of LB is coincidental. Have you tried reinstalling the previous LightBurn version ?, according to my theory, your computer should also fail here.
Thx for the answer. It stopped before but now it restart my computer. Can please let me know how can I check if it is a faulty USB controller and also how can I ground the NEJE laser, I have no clue.
There is a lot of post about this topic, try searching here in the forum for your machine, Neje 40w "double laser" A40640 (not working-fixed) - #19 by TomWS, probably explains better what I mean.
By the way, I have had a diode laser with similar problems, but here it turned out that the power supply was not good enough. I hope you find the right solution to your problem.
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