Lightburn runs on $40 computer

I was able to connect to the server and access the shared files from the Lubuntu file manager (using Go->Network something something) but I didn’t know how to ‘mount’ this so that LightBurn would be able to ‘see’ the folder from its Open file dialog.
However, I’ve probably only spent five minutes on the ‘investigation’ (at the end of the day), so maybe tomorrow I’ll find the secret.
In the short term, at least, I know that I could copy any relevant file into the Atomic Pi’s filesystem. I’d rather not fill that up, however…

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Great discussion. For those wanting to offload the burning to a dedicated computer, here is what I do. I run LB on my main PC and then create/save GCode. On my laser out in the garage, I have RPi3 connected to my GRBL board via USB. On the Pi I run UGS. The nice part is that you can set up SMB sharing on the Pi so in LB you can save GCode directly to the Pi documents folder (or use something like FileZilla). I then use VNC Client on an iPad to log into the Pi in the garage, start UGS and run the job, jog, home, etc. The iPad is my screen, mouse and keyboard for the Pi. I was using an old laptop in the garage w/LB but got tired of having to be in the garage when designing.

They’re still selling these things? Dang. I bought one when they first released them a few years ago. I loaned it out to a co-worker for a development project, and it actually made it back home!

I have an old laptop monitor, and HDMI interface board that I intended to use as a picture frame. Maybe I’ll put it together with the Atomic Pi and make myself a Lightburn station.

BTW, someone above had asked about using remote desktop to get to a Linux system - you can do this using xrdp if you want to use Windows Remote Deskop. VNC also works, if you like that app better.


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FWIW, I’ve been continuing the AtomicPi discussions over in my original thread: Should I throwaway my broken MiniPC with Windows 10 and switch over to Linux?

I made progress runnng on AtomicPi, but still have some ‘quirks’…

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What quirks? I am successfully running Lightburn on windows on top of an AtomicPi. Did I choose windows because of RDP? I can remote in from my desktop even cut and paste files directly to it via RDP and even from my laptop that is running Arch Linux. Then I can run out to the shop and align it with the touch screen and hit run. It’s been stable so far once I figured out I needed to turn off page file.

I suggest you read his entire 3 line post, follow the link he provided and read his posts…

Steps taken to get an Atomic Pi SBC setup so it would boot quickly, boot to the desktop with auto-login and have the wireless network already connected and running:

I reflashed the default Lubuntu Bionic image onto my AtomicPi EMMC disk after lots of testing so it was the same as most people will get when they purchase. The default OS is Lubuntu 18.04.
I validated the following steps gets to a quick boot and the wireless network is setup and running before user login. Then did the auto login configuration. You will need a keyboard, monitor and mouse connected and I did most of my work using system console F2( Ctl-Alt-F2 ) instead of the Lubuntu desktop but you can do it how you’d like.

For fast boot and to be sure the wifi network device has the wlan0 device name:
-change the default grub commandline to only have ‘net.ifnames=0’ on it.

sudo vi /etc/default/grub

Setup Wifi with 2 files copied to appropriate locations:
Copy wpa_supplicant.conf to /etc/wpa_supplicant
copy wlan0.conf to /etc/network/interfaces.d

file 1, wpa_supplicant.conf:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

file 2, wlan0.conf:
auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
post-up iw wlan0 set power_save off

I rebooted and verified the wifi network connection was established( I use ifconfig to who and IP address for wlan0 device).
Then I updated the system(sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ) and then addressed the auto login solution -

create a new file, 10-autologin.conf in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d and put the text below in it.
sudo vi /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/10-autologin.conf

autologin-guest = false
autologin-user = atomicpi
autologin-user-timeout = 0

allow-guest = false

One last thing regarding setup for laser cutting, you might need to setup a rule file so when you plug in your machine the device created as usable permissions. I use a udev rule for that.
If adding the default lubuntu user to the dialout group didn’t solve it( this is what Lightburn docs have you do) then there are device rules files in /etc/udev/rules.d which will look for the USB ID-Vendor and ID-Product and set the permissions on the /dev/ttyUSBx or /dev/ttyACMx device file when it’s created.

Example: for my Ortur laser cutter the USB vendor ID is 0483 and its product ID is 5740
so I have a file called 75-orturlaser.rules with this one line in it:

SUBSYSTEM==“tty”, ATTRS{idVendor}==“0483”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“5740”, MODE=“0666”

so it creates the /dev/ttyACMx device with the rw,rw,rw attributes:
crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Feb 28 22:10 /dev/ttyACM0

I got the idVendor and idProduct values from plugging the laser cutter into the USB port and then ran dmesg on the commandline and it should be shown in the last few lines of all that scroll by.

Installing LightBurn is much as the standard documentation state.


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