Lightburn says "ready" but will not home or frame

Just bought a Sculpfun S9 40w laser and a new computer, just relicensed my lightburn subscription. Plugged in the new computer to laser. Lightburn is showing “ready”, but I cannot get it to home or frame or cut. Help! GRBL G code.

Unless you replaces the laser module with a 40w unit, I am pretty sure your laser is a 5w unit.

The s9 does not come with limit switches, so it cannot be Homed. You can only work with Origin. Initial Origin is 0,0 where you power up the machine. Origin is a program thing, Home is a machine thing.

Open the Console window and then power up the machine. Copy the contents of the Console window and paste in your reply. This will tell us if the laser is booting up properly.

In the Console window, enter $$ and report the setting of parameter $22. It should be either a 0 or a 1.

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“SS” is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Not SS, Dollar Sign Dollar Sign $$

I was wrong in the information I typed before, I had entered $$ not SS… comes up with same verbiage. I cannot copy from command prompt and paste here. m

What does it say in the console window? Waiting for connection, or something else? If it says waiting for connection, you are not connected. The Ready message in the laser window does not mean it’s connected to your laser. Mine always says ready and I am not connected to a laser with this computer.

Restart Lightburn and copy / paste the console window contents if it says anything other than waiting…

will try thanks

I just unplugged the laser usb plug from the computer and lightburn still indicates that it is ready, I will shut down lightburn and try to restart. Appreciate your help. m

That did not work, it still comes up as “ready” and it not attached to laser on restart of lightburn. Maybe contact lightburn directly?

What does the console window show?


@thelmuth basically said this is not a problem, so focus on what he asked for. You will see something like this…
Waiting for connection…
Waiting for connection…
c#! 0I����=���+c���Ƶ���ok
Target buffer size found
[MSG: Using machine:Sculpfun SF-A9]
[Radio Mode: AP, Sculpfun SF-A9 58383,, Not connected]
[MSG: Machine tilt sensor initialization successful!]
[SD card is functioning properly!]
[SD Free:120.00 MB Used:0 B Total:120.00 MB]

Yours will not be exactly the same, but it should be similar. We are trying to confirm that you have an actual connection with the laser. That has to happen before anything else works.

Correct Com port not selected ?