I use LB on a cheap but new Lenovo laptop. I have screen resolution of laptop set to recommended setting but LB screen still seems to overfill the screen. Is there a way I can set laptop or LB so I see the full LB screen?
In a class I took to learn my new Aeon Mira 9 laser, the teacher had 3 little windows open on the right side whereas I can only get 2 windows to snap. How many little windows should I be able to use?
in Windows 11, When the mouse cursor changes to the following shapes, its seems the size of these shapes is fixed and independent of the LB shortcut DPI override adjustments described in the video reference above. The issue is that these cursor shapes are very small and difficult to differentiate for me. I’m running V1.4.03.
Is this normal or am I missing another adjustment ?
- The selection will snap to a point
- The selection will snap to a line
- The selection will snap to the midpoint of a line
- The selection will snap to the center of an object