Lightburn seems to send empty files to laser

I am trying to do nothing more than to engrave a circle, my system and laser connect without trouble. preview is blank, I push start and the laser air control opens and closed and it says done, if i send the file to the controller (rdc6332m), it shows the file, but no preview… i swapped over to rd works, which i do not use, but it works flawless. am i doing something wrong?

Acctek AKJ1390H-2

Please share the LightBurn file where you observe this behavior, and we can go from there. :slight_smile:

no real file, i just made a circle.

You could save whatever is demonstrating this behavior and share it. I did just that in the following example, showing things work as you describe. Something else is happening on your setup from what you are saying. I want to see your file to check for differences. :slight_smile:

Test_Circle.lbrn2 (12.6 KB)

Are you using a cloud folder? There was a problem before if I remember correctly.

no, the laser is connected to my router by cat cable, laptop via wifi

test circle.lbrn2 (13.0 KB)

hope this works
also, is there any way to get the partially hidden box and text in top of the cut settings editor to show?

Try to resize that window by dragging it to be larger.

As for the Preview and file being empty, this is due to the layer output state. I am trying to understand how this layer got into this state, but note the ‘Red’ text in the Sub-Layer name. This signifies this Sub-Layer is set to not output and appears to not allow state change. I will generate a report for dev team to investigate further.


I can recreate this state by adding another Sub-Layer, set the output for that to off, then remove the first Sub-Layer. The state of the second Sub-Layer is retained, and the Output switch is locked into the state set when created. My guess is this is similar to how this happened with your file.

To resolve, temporarily add another Sub-Layer, which should allow you to flip the state of output back to on (note the Sub-Layer name turn from red to black).

I was messing with this and that fix doesn’t work for me with that file. It also affects the layer settings when I open a new Lightburn. I had to open a new Lightburn draw a circle then reset layer to defaults for it to go back to normal.

I had the same problem. I added a sublayer and then it worked correctly. After reviewing all the options, I noticed that the color I was using was called “Text” once I set it back to default, it worked.

I noticed that you are also using a name for that color. Reset it back to default and it will work correctly.


I am not experiencing the same. Changing the name of the layer does not change the state of output.

I have the following set to assist,

That did it for me, thank you very much!

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