I’m not picturing what you’re saying. Can you elaborate further?
Something like this:
The ultimate solution would be for Lightburn to select the power setting on the laser head per layer. I’ve already submitted this to Lasertree to see if they’ve thought about that for future models. Unless they can utilize the existing PWM connection to the laser head, I imagine it would require another wire for communication.
That’s going to be tough when the switch is mechanical an attached to the head itself. I’d guess the switch isn’t a soft switch that can be driven by software.
Glad you dropped a note to the manufacturer, maybe they will clear this up.
PWM is pretty standard, I don’t know how you’d implement any kind of information via the PWM as it’s only used for power control in a 0 to 100% known range. When the PWM goes high, it lases.
I realize there’s nothing they could implement with the current unit. I’m just looking down the road at ways to streamline everything. I can’t see using PWM either, but mfg’s can get rather creative when they’re motivated! It would all start with conversations between the hardware and software companies to establish a standard.