Lightburn VS Lasergrbl differenze di potenza

Ho fatto delle prove con Lightburn, dove per fare una piccola incisione su legno ho dovuto settare i seguenti parametri: velocità 150 mm/min e potenza del laser al 70%.
Successivamente ho provato la stessa incisione vettoriale con Lasergrbl dove ho ottenuto quasi gli stessi risultati (in realtà delle parti risultano bruciate eccessivamente) con Linee 7000 potenza 15% e velocità 600 mm/min.
Risulta chiaro che la gestione del modulo laser da parte di Lightburn non sia adeguata.
Non capisco cosa devo modificare nelle impostazioni di Lightburn per far lavorare in modo adeguato il modulo laser.

What language are you writing in? It may be a bad translation on my part, but I do not understand 7,000 lines.

There are a couple things that come to mind. First, be sure you are working in mm/min in both softwares. It’s easy to get that mixed up. Second, and most likely, your S-Value max is set incorrectly in Lightburn, causing the power to run at only 25% of what it is set for. To check this, type $$ in the console window and press enter key. Look for $=30 and note the value. It is most commonly 1,000. Then go to the Device settings window (wrench & Screwdriver icon) and make the S-Value max the same as your $30.

Another possibility is that you set up your laser in Lightburn as the wrong type. Typically it should be just GRBL, not GRBL-LPC or GRBL-m3.

If you want to know how your laser works with lightburn, it would be nice if you could specify the exact type of your laser :wink:

Se vuoi sapere come funziona il tuo laser con Lightburn, sarebbe bello se potessi specificare il tipo esatto di laser che hai :wink:

LaserGRBL does not have Variable Power capability. It only operates with Constant Power mode. If you have not set the Cuts layer to Constant Power Mode, you cannot compare the results from both applications.

What do you mean ?

@thelmuth @soniclab I guess he is talking about the lines/mm setting you can set in LaserGRBL. The DPI setting.

Actually, LaserGRBL has this feature as well, you can select M3 (constant power) or M4 (dynamic power) as well. Though it’s correct, you can’t compare it if those are different, so he has to check it.

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I have not used LaserGRBL for about 3+ years, so I was just repeating bad hearsay information.

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That’s the most common issue because the s-value is set to 255 as standard for grbl-m3.

This is not possible, you can’t set 7000 lines/mm in LightBurn. The maximum is 2540 lines/inch / 645 lines/mm. If you have a 40W laser as your description states, your laser spot size will be 0.15 to 0.2 mm, which will lead to about 150 lines per inch. This is about 5-10 lines / mm. Do not use higher values. Your laser is going over the same spot over and over again. That’s why it is darker in LaserGRBL, as LightBurn has a limit here and LaserGRBL maybe now (I didn’t test).

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Grazie a tutti per le risposte.
Cercherò di essere chiaro il più possibile.
Scrivo in italiano.
Per quanto riguarda le Linee, è un impostazione di Lasergrbl. Come dire la risoluzione. Allego la segue immagine

Questo è il mio laser

A seguire il risultato con Lightburn, 150mm/min 70% power

Metre per quanto riguarda Lasergrbl con 600mm/min power 15% ed è impostato come M3, il risultato è questo

Entrambi i software sono impostati in mm/min

E’ come se la lihtburn non sappia quale sia la potenza del laser. C’è qualche impostazione nella quale inserire la potenza effettiva del modulo?
Nei preset non si trova questo modello.

Scusate se l mie domande possono sembrare poco chiare, ma sto muovendo i primi passi.
Grazie per la pazienza e per la collaborazione

SValue è impostato su 1000

Show your entire Lightburn screen with cuts/layers panel and laser panel open. Also, in console type $$ then enter key. Copy and paste the output, please.

Grazie Tim per la collaborazione, purtroppo non riesco ad allegarti quello che mi chiedi.
Ora sono fuori casa per lavoro e rientro settimana prossima.
Appena potrò collegare il laser ti mando quanto mi hai richiesto.

There are some general errors. Firstly, this is not 7000 lines/mm it’s 7 lines/mm! I know, it’s difficult to distinguish, but as mentioned before, 7000 lines/mm would be insane anyhow. It’s a European software, it’s using a comma as delimiter, not a dot.
Next, for such a graphic you should use “Vectorize!” not “Line to line tracing” in LaserGRBL. For the result you get, it doesn’t make sense to use a fill method, you should run it as lines.

It’s not that LightBurn doesn’t understand the settings, you set extremely different settings, that can’t look the same.

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ecco il risultato





































Your laser $30 must match S-Value max in Lightburn. Both 1000 or both 10000 ( if sometimes you use it as CNC ).


Change the s-value in Lightburn to 10000 like Parsec mentions. That is what I was expecting to see and why I asked for the settings to verify.

Quindi così dovrebbe funzionare?
E’ il parametro corretto?
Ho modificato da 1.000 a 10.000

It’s ok, now they are the same.

Si, funziona, grazie!!!