Lightburn will not cut/engrave on new laptop. It does home/frame

Creality Falcon 2 22w
Worked perfect on my prior Dell laptop that I had to replace.

New laptop- Dell Inspiron 15, touch display, i7 core 32 RAM, and 1g hard drive. Also using a new data type USB cable that works great with the old computer.

I’ve downloaded the newest Lightburn version. I bundled, exported, and imported Lightburn from my previous laptop. I’ve checked the license and only the two computers are listed.

When I type “test” on my Lightburn work space it will frame and home correctly. When I press start it just sits there and does nothing. My com4 is working it does frame/home. My laser is selected in devices.

Congrats and welcome, glad you found Lightburn and this forum.
Worth checking if both old and new Devices settings are configured the same.
Do a side by side comparison and report back.

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