I’m trying to use Lightburn on a 32bit windows notebook, but it will only burn in the y axis. The software works fine on my 64 bit desktop. I installed Laserbox on the notebook and both axis burn fine. I’ve narrowed in down to the 32bit version of Lightburn.
Are there any known issues with the 32 bit version and is there a work around?
Thanks for posting this. I know of no issues in the 32 bit windows version that would do this but I would like to explore this a little further. I’m suspecting a communication/setup issue at the USB level garbling data but I’d like to verify it.
Did you select a USB socket on either computer (32 bit laptop / 64 bit desktop) with a blue or yellow insert in it (as opposed to the plain black one)?
With the 32 bit laptop powered, connected to the engraver and LightBurn and ready to run a job perform the following two tests.
Click File - Click Save GCode - select .txt as the save option and drag and drop that file in your reply.
Open the Console window, click the Select all switch on the right hand side of the window.
Run the job in LightBurn and hope you have the y-axis only symptom.
If you see the Y-axis only symptom, copy the contents of the Console window (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C) into a new blank text file (Ctrl-V) and save that with a different file name so we can compare the data sent.
Drag and drop that one here as well.
I’m looking for a difference near the beginning of the two files.
It could be garbled data or it could be a coordinate system difference but either way it should show.
Edit: I removed your other post from the end of the other thread. I’d like to concentrate our efforts here.
Thanks for the quick response. I decided to get a dedicated desktop for my laser. My laptop and the software don’t really seem to like each other. I was also having problems navigating the software because the windowing and layering of the tool windows didn’t quite work. Thank you for your time.
From your description, this may have been a matter of the laptop screen size being too small and causing problems with the layout. You may be able to set the font size down one or two ticks and resolve it.
Glad you found an excellent work-around.