Lightburn + Windows 11 can't see Ruida controller

Hey, folks.
I have a generic white/blue 100w laser with an original ruida controller running on LAN. Everything works great on a Mac computers, but when I try using a windows 11 laptop, lightburn refuses to see the laser.

I’ve tried two different laptops of the same model (Dell Precision 5550), did power cycling, changing IP address, disabling firewalls, running LB as admin, reinstalled the software to make sure the drivers get installed, but nothing works. When I ping the laser, it shows up and responds, so it is not a networking issue.

I’ve also tried installing RDWorks, but didn’t put much time into it, pretty much the same outcome as LB. I feel like it is probably a driver issue. Even after installing the drivers I still can’t see “Other Devices” in the device manager.
I also have a 20W fiber laser which works fine on these computers over usb.

I’m running out of solutions here.

When you install via Ethernet in Windows, there are no drivers needed, nothing will show up in device manager, and LightBurn will not “Auto Detect” the laser. You have to add it manually. The configuration steps for adding an Ethernet connected Ruida for LightBurn are outlined in the Install docs here:

Yes, I’ve set the network up and assigned an IP address that would not interfere with any other devices. The controller is working properly with Mac computers, but Lightburn on a Windows machine does not see the controller, I can ping it just fine, but the software itself cannot connect. I’ve gone over every possible step to save time here.

What exactly do you mean by “Cannot See”? Error messages? Screen shots of what you’re seeing?

What IP Address is in your Computer? What IP Address is in the Ruida controller?

Try starting a Ping, and unplug the Ruida to make sure it stops responding to verify that you don’t have two devices with the same IP on the network.

Cannot see meaning it says disconnected. Like I said, I’ve already gone over the IP addresses, even checked in with the software engineers who set up the network to make sure that the IP in not conflicting with anything. The networking is fine, this is a Windows issue.

I’ve worked in Networking and IT for 25 years. Just trying to help. Good luck.

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