LightBurn with Black Box V1


I am having issues using lightburn with the blackbox V1 controller. Immediately after homing lightburn goes into “busy” and i cannot operate the machine.

if i reset the device and use LB to run the machine on any operation in LB the machine will randomly stop and go into “busy”.

If i generate gcode in LB and import it into openbuilds software the machine works fine.

I have worked with LB and the guys at openbuilds but no luck resolving the issue.

Anyone else using the blackbox V1 controller and LB?

As an electronics person, this smells a lot like a USB communication issue. Please tell me you are not using WIFI.

Im not using wifi.

Its not usb connection because it works outside of lightburn. This has been confirmed bt LB and the guys at open builds.

LB have ask me to post to see if anyone else has this controller.

Have you tried disabling auto-home on startup in the device settings?

It might be that it’s homing ok and Lightburn isn’t being notified…?

Just a thought.


Thanks. All basic things have been covered with myself and LB.

I am looking for someone who has the same controller to check how that behaves In comparison with mine.

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Few things to try:

Remember to power cycle the machine between tries (power and USB).