Lightburn won't open full screen

I can report that I have the same effect using 1.5.01. I have to test with 1.5.02 yet. The window doesn’t open at full size, regardless of which position the window had at closing.

It’s also messing up the window order. Resetting to the default layout helps until the next restart.
It’s the first glitch that I had in 3 years of continuously updating :slight_smile: I did not reset any settings yet, but I will investigate further when I have time the next days.

I’ve checked it now on Win11 I have 1.5.02 and I can open and close maximized I’ve only updated without having changed any settings.

ths is interesting, i was not able to replicate in any of my machines.

It was only on one laptop (Thinkpad T420 running Windows 11 21H2) at my side. All other machines worked as expected.

I upgraded to 1.5.02 and did a few restarts, those worked now. I can’t tell which glitch it was, but it seems solved now. I will keep an eye on the window behavior. I was more annoyed that it killed my tab/window order inside LB, I was unable to dock the console window on the left side as I did before. I didn’t have an opportunity to check that yet.

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I have attached the saved prefs file.

Because I have tried so many key combinations and ways to open maximised over the last few days, all of the backup pref files were from then so I don’t have a “pre-problem” copy in the prefs backup to load.

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