Lightburn worked yesterday, not today after updating to Sequoia 15.2

I’ve always connected over my local network, now the computer is telling me it can’t find the laser.

MacBook Pro just updated to Sequoia 15.2 today. Everything was fine last night.
Ruida 6445G in a blue & white chinese laser.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

I remember seeing something a few weeks ago about a setting in MacOS that needed to be changed.Find the thread here.

Thank you for your reply. I checked into the security settings and Lightburn was already given access. I thought I could do a workaround and connect the ethernet cable to the MacBook Pro directly.(After a trip downtown to get an adaptor) That didn’t work. I dug up a long USB cable and connected that directly from the laser to the Mac… no go.

I hooked up my windows laptop (which runs my fiber laser) directly to the co2 laser… That connection worked.

This leads me to believe that the laser is fine, but something happened with the Sequoia update.

How exactly is your laser and computer connected in terms of network topology? Are you able to ping the laser from your Mac?

When you say directly, is this through USB or through Ethernet?

When I first started using the laser and Lightburn, I had an older Mac laptop. I could connect to it via a USB cable. I never could configure it to connect over the wifi.

When that computer died a couple of years ago, I got a MacBook Pro. I could connect via USB cable, and finally WiFi. I choose to connect via WiFi for the last couple of years.

The HP Laptop I have was dedicated to the fiber laser because when I got that laser, EasyCad was the only platform available.

I set up an eero mesh network at my house, which means I know enough to do that. Pinging a device is not something I am familiar with. I can tell you the control board on the laser says I’m connected to the network

This is what I do know… The MacBook ran thousands of jobs this month while connect via WiFi, probably up until 8pm last night. Today, I shut down my shop to clean up from the Christmas rush. While cleaning up, I updated the MacBook. This afternoon, after the updates were completed and the shop was clean, I wanted to start running jobs again. I could not connect to the laser via wifi, USB cable directly or an ethernet cable directly.

I am able to connect to the laser via a Windows machine and a USB cord directly.

The machines are far enough away from each other that this problem makes working with both machines impossible.

I want to make sure I understand your layout before proceeding. Does your laser have built-in wifi? Or is the laser connected to a router via ethernet that exposes it to your wifi network? I need to understand the topology of your network to determine how it all fits together.

So far I understand Mac <> Eero Mesh router <> ?

Can you provide the following:

  1. Go to the network settings screen on your laser and take a photo of the settings
  2. Open a Terminal session on your Mac. Enter these commands one at a time. Copy and paste all the text in a response here:
netstat -i
  1. In LightBurn go to Edit->Device Settings, then take a screenshot of that window

Thank you for your help.

Before I start posting my network settings to the world… a week after someone tried hacking my venmo account while supposedly trying to buy some laserd Christmas ornaments my wife was selling on facebook… (call me paranoid)

Let’s forget connecting via wifi for a second. I can’t connect with a USB cord directly from the computer to the laser with my mac, but I can connect using the same cord and a windows laptop.

If we can figure out that first, I bet everything else solves it’s self.

That’s likely not going to be true. The interfaces for USB and IP are entirely different.

In terms of priority of troubleshooting here’s my thought process:

  1. You have a known working method of communicating with the laser from the Mac via IP. Your computer still works so likely rules out a hardware issue there. Your controller is an unknown in terms of hardware but very likely working. That leaves a network configuration issue as the primary culprit.
  2. You previously were not able to get USB working on the Mac. We know that the controller USB functions correctly. USB resolution on the Mac can be very fiddly and involved and, historically, even when working has not been reliable in terms of use in LightBurn. There may be hardware, driver, and configuration changes involved.

You could shift to trying to get USB working but that’s basically a new Topic. I’d suggest focusing on IP, at least for the moment.

None of what I asked for would have likely exposed publicly addressable information. If you were in a configuration that did it would typically be deliberate and you’d be aware of it. But not wrong to be paranoid if you’re unsure. You can DM the network portions I asked for if that makes you feel better. If you’re uncomfortable with even that then onto USB. Post information on your specific model of Mac and someone may be able to help you.

Thank you again for your help.

I’m not sure where you picked up that I wasn’t able to connect my laser to the Mac with a USB cable… both of the Macs I used to run the laser were able to connect with USB, only the latest MacBook Pro was able to connect with WiFi, and I chose that as my connection method for a couple of years until yesterday after updating the OS.

After many attempts to connect, I was finally able to get the MacBook Pro to connect with the USB cable, so for now, I will use that method and investigate as to why all of a sudden I lost connection with the network.

Thanks again for everyone’s input.

That was my mistake. I misread something earlier where you said you had been able to connect via USB but interpreted as you had not been able which is why you moved to wifi.

Well done. Glad you’re up and running.

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