Lightburn/ Xtool loosing connection while engraving

I’m running into an issue with engraving. The file I’m using has been successfully completed before but now it is constantly telling me connection lost. I’m connected to my machine via USB. I’ve done some testing both with lightburn and XCS and have come to the conclusion that it could be the size of the image/ type of connection. I’ve read quite a few places to change out the USB but I have done that many times and it works for a little bit. I’ve bought shielded USB’s and have the interference guards on them. Still has not fixed the issue. I don’t have a problem with cutting, so I don’t think it is 100% the USB. I was able to successfully complete an image in XCS while I was connected to WIFI. How do I run Lightburn on WIFI? Do I have to have the bridge box? Or is there something different I can do to keep running with USB?

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