Lightburn xTool S1 40W - Job Halted

Hello, I’ve been using XCS so this issue usually on comes up when try array’s with Lightburn. It happened about 4 months ago and I emailed support who didn’t have an S1 40W at the time so I just punted an went back to XCS. I now have a Thunder Bolt 32 Pro coming so it’s time to learn LB so I’m back …

What’s happening is that the job stops randomly and not in the same place ( any job of any complexity) with a Job Halted error. I just restart the S1 and resume the job as support taught me so it’s not a huge deal but I would like to know what’s happening. I LOVE (LOVE LVOE) virtual arrays and since I’m keeping the S1 even after the bolt arrives, I’d like to get this figured out.

Starting stream
M109 S1
M96 S0
M110 X1Y1Z1
M7 S0 N1 D30
On or near line 0:
[MSG:Pgm End]
On or near line 0:
Job halted

I have neither machine, but from what I have read, this sounds like a USB communications issue. The usual questions are…

  1. Was it ok before 4 months ago?
  2. Did you move the machine 4 months ago?
  3. Did you install new electrical equipment 4 months ago?
  4. Does the USB cable have a ferrite (knot) in it?
  5. Is the cable a USB-a to USB-c?
  6. How long is the USB cable?
  7. Being a MAC, have you tried an active (powered) USB hub between the MAC and machine?

I am not expecting answers to the questions, unless one is the solution. These are for you to use as a troubleshooting guide. There are known communications issues between the MAC and a laser using USB. You might search the Forum for similar issues, using MAC communications as a starter for example, Eventually someone with MAC experience will pick up on this thread.

Hi Mike, it’s the 25’ cable I was using. In looking up the specs, it’s not suitable for this application. I connected with a shorter version from another laser I have and it’s been running for hours now without issue. I have a better cable on order from Amazon and I’m confident this is now fixed. Thanks!

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Excellent news! You now know where to focus if it happens in the future.