Lightburn Z Axis- will lower bed, but wont raise past the auto focus

Done quite a bit of reading but feel like im missing something z-step pass. Have a rudia controller in monoport. For some reason it will lower the bed, but wont raise the bed past the autofocus. What am i missing here? Do i need to turn off autofocus for this to work?

Keep messing with it, so if i focus to the bed without the material. Then manually focus on the material the z axis on pass works. Do i need to change some other setting?

That is how the controller works.

I crawled through this a while ago for my KT332N controller:

The Home Offset determines the pulloff after the “focus pen” switch clicks, so the switch is released and the pen tip clears the material. Then the Focus Distance adds whatever’s needed to that position to put the focus at the top of the material.

You can then raise the platform upward by the Focus Distance amount, but the controller won’t let it go above the Home Offset position.

I generally focus to the top of the material and Fire The Laser. Raising the platform to put the focus closer to the middle of the material may help, but I don’t do much work with really thick sheets.

Thanks so much for the prompt response. Glad to have a confirm so I dont waste too much more time. Yeah, seems if I just auto focus on the bed, then manually focus I can make the magic work. Would be cool if could include some sort of material offset instead so didnt need to do the work around. As i learn more and more about autofocus, I understand why many work without it. Really not that hard to manually focus than can use some of the other features like this.

Thanks again!

You can do that by enabling Z axis motion, setting up thicknesses in the Material Library, and doing a few other things I don’t bother with.

For my simple needs, focusing on the top of the material, whatever it may be, works perfectly well, with occasional manual tweaks for strange cases. Of course, I’m not doing production work where the same thing happens all day every day, so a complex library wouldn’t be worth setting up.

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