i’m having an issue where sometimes the line trim tool doesn’t work, it highlights red as if it will allow it to cut, but the cut doesn’t happen, i attached a picture, i’m trying to cut the blue lines away from inside the black boxes so that i can put a different texture there, but the lines won’t trim away
i tried to see if adding nodes to the lines would help but it didn’t
i’m only been working with this sort of stuff for a few weeks, it’s my first laser and first time using this sort of software
here is a copy of the file, i have noticed the same issue on other files so i think it could be somehting i’m missing as to why it won’t work
i have other details i need to add to the wall and 3 more walls to make that will need extra details added, these details require that i remove more bricks as i go
I see what you mean. The workaround I found was to select all of the blue lines and then select Arrange>Break Apart. Then it will trim out the lines. When you break apart, it zeros out the Xform inside the LBRN2 file.
Maybe the Trim algorithm needs optimization or is just the way it is, the Trim operation joins shapes whenever possible so when this happens you have to Brake Apart again then Trim.
i have no idea about locking shapes, it’s all just made from rectangles and lines within lightworks, eventually i did manage to get them to cut by selecting individual lines and using the break command, i just have no ide ahow or what happened but at least not i have managed to get it working
I drew the lines then copy pasted them and used the xpos and ypos to fine tune the locations for the lines, i didn’t group them or anything just copy/paste