Line doesn't seem to respect power level in 1.7 Beta 10 XTool S1

I ran a material test in 1.6.03 and in the latest beta that I could find 1.7 Beta 10. The engrave actually looks better in 1.7 but the line test doesn’t seem to be respecting power levels

Bottom is obvi 1.6 with the triangles. Text as line at 60mm/s @ 17.5 power for both, but the top (1.7) is just scorched. On the back side all the corners are pinpricked through the material (3mm BB)

I’ve set it up as an XTools device, with all the settings recommended in other forum posts. Thoughts on what I could be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!


This thread may indicate an issue…

Here is the start of the thread if you wish to read it. I stopped at 32 and it’s over 130 posts…

I’d suggest browsing through them and see if anything is applicable…

Good luck


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