Line Fade on Corners of Engraved Square

I have a DIY laser engraver build that uses the Jackpot CNC controller from V1 Engineering, and a 20W diode module from Atomstack. The controller is running FluidNC which is a GRBL controller within Lightburn.

I’ve been playing around with drawing a square on a piece of MDF to allow me to measure the diagonals and square up my machine. When I try to draw the square the sides look great from the laser, but the corners fade out and back in as the module makes the 90-degree turn.

Is this a problem associated with speed, acceleration, a combination of both? The laser PWM rate? (The Atomstack is 1KHz)

Sorry if I’m missed an already existing topic that answers this question.


What you are describing sounds like an example from our job quality troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting: Corners Are Too Dark, Too Light, Or Missing - LightBurn Documentation

'With the exception of engraving Images in Grayscale mode, Min Power is not available on GRBL controllers. However, if the acceleration is set too low in the firmware, the laser may not speed up fast enough to fire at sufficient power when turning corners. Raising the X and Y Max Acceleration to 100-500 in Machine Settings may correct this.

You may also need to reduce your speed or adjust your S-Value Max setting. See more about GRBL Power Output problems.’


Thank you, I’ll check those topics out and give them a go.


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