Line, fill or offset fill for cutting .75mm brass with a JPT 60w Galvo MOPA Fiber laser?

I am a newbie and when attempting to cut using the line setting in lightburn I find that it doesn’t cut all the way through even using continuous runs. I am using 100 speed and 90%. The back of the metal shows an outline of the cut but it isn’t cut. I am assuming the metal is just welding itself together again since the cut line is small but I don’t have enough experience to know. Can someone share his opinion on this? Thanks in advance.

Line mode , but enable wobble.

@fins is correct!
With the Wobble setting, you get a wider cut, for the beam to get in there.

The frequency also plays a role. I’ve had good success with 25kHz for brass.

Make sure to set your focus point a little lower, partway into the material.

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