Line tool changes 1.7.01?

Hi team,

Has there been any changes on the line tool recently, specifically with how it decides on straight lines vs curves?

I seem to be ending up with unwanted curves when setting the second point of a line much more often recently, compared to previous versions.

Here’s the updated 1.7 Docs

Hope this is helpful.

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Thanks John. I’ve been using LB since around v0.8, so I’m pretty familiar with the drawing tools. I had a quick look over the documentation anyway, and did some more testing.

The relevant feature is constraining the the placement angle. Click to start line, shift to constrain, click to add an additional node. This second point is only added as a corner node if the cursor is within a few pixels of the second constrained node location, otherwise it turns into a bezier.

I’m not saying this isn’t a deliberate change, I’m just trying to find out if the radius for where the cursor can be in relation to the second node has changed as it’s automatically changing much more often and this is undesirable behaviour for me.

I get the same results, I’m not sure why it works like it does. :man_shrugging:

Even tried a few work arounds with no success.

Hopefully someone else can chime in with a good answer.

In the upcoming LB version (I’m on beta RC-2), the line function is significantly redesigned. The “operating errors” that produce curves instead of lines are no longer found here. The general experience of the line function is much better, e.g. a help/snap grid with 8 lines at 45 degree spacing is displayed which makes construction a further step better. Free straight line drawing at all angles is “flawlessly” possible now.