Line weight on 4k monitor

I use a cheap, 4k TV for a monitor. Works great - Using max icon, font size, and high grid contrast in LightBurn gives me a wonderful workspace. Only downside is vector representation - drawn lines/object sides are very thin.

Is there some way to increase line thickness in LightBurn?

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Thanks for this link. I’m impressed that Oz added his thoughts… Anticipate many users will, or have already tried the higher res monitors/TVs for products like LightBurn, not because they are necessary, but because they are available and affordable; they don’t know better. I/we would appreciate a way to setup text, icon and line weights to make LaserBurn look at least as good on these screens as it does on lower res screens.

The existing sliders should be able to accomplish this by including all characteristics.
Why not?

If you haven’t already done so can you check the feature request site to see if something exists about increasing the wireframe thickness and vote for that? This helps the Dev team prioritize features.

Took a look and found nothing, so created this as a new Feature Request.

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