buongiorno. sono due settimane che la mia macchina atomstack lavora su linne dritte facendole tutte a zigzag. sia su linee che su riempimenti.
ho provato con altro laser e il problema persiste per cui credo sia un problema di pc/lightburn.
qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?
Please post a screenshot of your entire Lightburn screen with your project loaded and the Cuts/Layers Panel and Laser Panel visible, then with the cut settings editor open. Also post a screenshot of the Settings Window (Gears icon) with the Units and Grids tab visible and post a screenshot of the Device Settings Window (Wrench and Screwdriver icon).
noticed that it manages above 1000 mm/min.
at low speeds I have no problems.
but until recently I went without problems even at 1200 / 1400
I don’t see anything in those images that would explain the behavior. It looks like it’s only along one axis. Does it make any difference what speed you run at?
Since you said the problem followed to another laser, did you download the program directly from Lightburn? Their antipiracy strategy causes weird output, but not generally like this.
The problem happens on both lasers I have.
it should be a problem with lightburn, which I pay regularly every year with the official license.
I noticed that at very low speeds it works well… 300/400 is ok.
I thought it was a vibration problem but no… it’s actually the axes that move in a zig zag :(.
I don’t have the answer, but more questions that may help.
Are both lasers the same?
Does it happen on both axes or just one?
Did you make any changes to the machine settings?
Perhaps someone else can jump in to help.
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