Lines and Image question

Lines and Image question.lbrn2 (1.0 MB)

I’m having issues with the attached file. I’m trying to select only the lines (layers 0 and 1) but the only way I can is to deselect the entire image by unchecking both “output” and “show” in the Cuts/Layer screen. I would like to be able to match my lines with the image in the background by using node edit on the lines while the image is “output” deselected and “show” selected. I belive I have successfully done this with other images, where I can use node edit to match lines to image where the trace option doesn’t work. In the uploaded file, the resulting traced image is to the left of the image but it’s lines are not straight and some need to be cleaned up. I may be wrong or I have enabled/disabled some setting in Lightburn. My efforts to draw and node edit by hand are on the image at the moment.

I can’t quite follow your description of what you want to achieve, (English is not my native language, so translation errors may be to blame for it)
May I ask what your final goal is, will you “extract” the houses?

Yes, I’m trying to extract the houses out of the image.
It is an image that I tried tracing. I am trying to create an SVG file from the image. I used the trace tool and the results are to the left - in red (layer 2). I didn’t like the results so I tried to draw the lines using the pen tool and then edit using the node edit tool. When I de-select the output on the image layer (so that the image fades and I can better trace the image manually) the image moves when I try and do node edit. Very hard to explain and I am not sure I’m making much sense. That’s why I uploaded the file so it could be manipulated. Try and perform a node edit on one of the lines to match the image and hopefully you’ll see what I mean about the image moving and not the lines which I’ve selected.
I’m sure I’ll eventually figure a work around but thought I’d reach out to see if there’s a simple answer.

Not seeing a problem.

I can “reproduce” your problem but not explain why select and modification of nodes in a line layer that is on top of this image is not just possible, without getting in carambola with the picture layer

Another coriosity is that when I tracer your image it becomes mirror shown in the trace window … (but only here)

A solution on how to process the traced result, ie. customise the nodes in relation to image is, to lock the image on its property page. Then I can select and edit the nodes of the red layer without any problems.

Thank you!

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