I have fill selected, and filled/smooth but there is still a line around my engrave. I have tried different fonts. I’m engraving on gold stainless steel with a commmarker b4 20w laser engraver. I don’t know whats wrong with it?
Your example photo looks similar to the one from our job quality troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting: Dark & Burned Edges - LightBurn Documentation
Would you mind sharing the settings used to achieve this?
The settings are speed 2000, power 2.50, frequency 200, interval 0.0050. I don’t what it could be based on the burned edge guide. It looks like an outline around the text.
I’m not sure the guide applies to galvanized lasers like yours. Sorry, I read commarker and my brain read ‘comgrow’…a diode laser manufacturer…
I don’t have a fiber laser myself, so I’m not sure I’ll be much help. I would try changing the interval to see if that yields different results.
Try a test run with Bidirectional fill turned off.
I am not a galvo guy, so I am not much help.
Ok, i’ll try that, thank you
Ok, i’ll try that too, thank you!