Lines in my glass etching?

100w CO2, 200mm/s, 13%, 500dpi, .03(or maybe it’s .003, I’m not in my garage ATM)dot width correction, Jarvis.

I took a few days to pin down getting what I feel is the best detail out of flat glass. I made an AI image with different details types; hair, blurred/dusty, clothing, etc. I decided to try a big piece of glass, it’s about 14"x18".

I think it turned out really cool. But, now that it’s all finished, I’m noticing some lines in the etching, and I’m curious why they would be there. I have small line spacing, and it’s moving pretty slow.

What are some possible reasons for this? Maybe just the glass itself? It is older glass.

Do you need resolution of 500dpi? You’d need a spot size of 0.05mm, pretty tough for a co2.

I’ve done a number of mirrors. Do you know the spot size for your lens?


I watched the laser everything video on line interval/DPI, and came out with 500 DPI. It’s also the manufacturer recommended DPI, though I understand the manufacturer recommended settings don’t necessarily speak for much. I’ve tested lower dpi, with most materials I have, and it’s turns out noticably less quality.
As far as resolution of the image itself, it’s 4k, so I should be able to blow it up to quite a large size before noticing visual defects.

OK, This is mine settings for a 12x12" mirror tile, done on the back, then painted black. This is a 40W China Blue with a 2" lens, I think…

This is a few of them. I do get some anomalies but they don’t happen often and usually a change in the speed or interval fixes these issues.

Glass isn’t absolutely the same all the time either.

If you find something more definitive, please advise the rest of us.


I’m going to run another large piece this weekend, about 15"x15". So I’ll see if maybe it was just a one off thing with the glass. It’ll be a different image too. Other than those lines, and it taking so long, I’m happy with the process. I was so scared I was going to break the thin glass the whole time

Good luck … I’ll be waiting to see the results.


I wonder that the lines are there all over your image with precis distance from each other.
I will try to make a test, with the same settings but with the glass turned 90 degree, only to see the result. If the suggestions from @jkwilborn also do not help and the same lines appear again, I will look for possible electric “disorders” or something that stops and starts, pump, compressor …

I haven’t made anything that large before, of any material (I’m still new), so I’m unsure where the problem may lie. The image seemed fine digitally blown up (no lines or distortion), and was fine in my 80x100mm tests.

If you zoom all the way into your pictures you can see that the stripes are also in the dark parts of the graphics. They’re just not that easy to see.

this is zoomed in pretty far in photoshop. i inverted the image as i have it set to negative in Lightburn, so this is how it burns. I see no lines anywhere, even if i zoom in further to pixel level. I feel safe in saying it isn’t the file itself, at least pre-Lightburn anyway. It is entirely possible that the glass itself has some distortion that wasn’t seen until it was engraved and painted.

I mean your final product itself, not your original footage. I regard that as a starting condition that you have control over.

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update. Just did a run, no issues.

What did you change?


Nothing lol. I’m just going to assume the glass was weird I guess. This was just another old picture frame. I have zero information about them though

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