My laser setup was working perfectly fine until a few days ago. Now, the laser flickers on and off during framing. I have enabled “laser on while framing”. I also have “enable laser fire button”.
I am trying to cut cardboard to make stencil so I am using LINE, 200mm/min at 60%, 0 kerf offset. And it flickers on and off during the cut process like it did during framing. It seems to work ok while doing FILL because I can still burn company logos on the bottom of bowls. I should mention here that the unit is stored in my basement were it can get cold around 60% F. I don’t know if that makes a difference. Again, like I said in the beginning, this all worked fine until a few days ago. And I have not made any changes
Sounds like either a loose connection to your laser or a partially broken wire that is making/breaking with laser movement. Put on your safety glasses and fire the laser at 1% power then wiggle & jiggle the wire harness and see if the laser blinks. If it does, you have found your problem.
Thanks… I will do that
I did what you said. I should mention here that this happens when trying to do line cutting. It runs fine when engraving using fill
If that wiggle test didn’t prove anything I’m not sure. Is the anomaly repeatable in a certain area of the bed or does it seem completely random? Does power output make a difference? i.e. if you run at 20% power instead of 60% does it still malfunction?
OK new setup. Now I have a Comgrow 20 watt laser module hooked up to my LM2. It ran great for a test cut on cardboard but now the laser comes on as soon as I apply power to it. I also noticed that it kind of flckers when I push on the laser module. I think there still might be wire gremlins but I don’t know where to start
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