Loading software on more than one computer

I loaded the trial software several days ago on my desktop, and can no longer stand the smell, so picked up refurbished laptop to use for laser. My question is, can I load the trial onto this laptop, without starting another trial, or what do I need to do? Also I assume that I will need to download the driver for laser, but forget what it was.

Just download the trial on the laptop, install and go. You are fine to do that. If you decide to purchase LightBurn, the license comes with 2 seats standard, allowing you to install on 2 computers at the same time. In fact, if you ask us nicely, we will add a 3rd seat for free. :slight_smile:

Do I ask you nicely now, or wait till the trial ends? Thanks in advance

The trial is different. There is only a single seat, timed to expire in 30 Days. You can install the trial on a 2nd and 3rd computer if required for the evaluation and decision process.

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