Longer B1 Orientation Issues

I have a Longer B1 and its Home is going the wrong way, I have changed the §23 settings to false on both X and Y and that works plus the GRBL settings to home right top which lets me move and home everything correctly. The problem is when I try to frame something it’s going the wrong way and crashing into the home position. Is there any way to reverse this ??

Thanks Roger

I’m pretty sure it is suppose to home to the front left corner. That should be where your limit switches are.

Hi yes it supposed to be there but isn’t not sure if its wired wrong on not but won’t
go to home there.

Is there a way to get the get the work area reversed so it its in the opposite direction?



Let’s start with some basic info. Is this a new, or new to you system? Has it ever worked properly? What settings did you change? Type $$ in the console window and copy/paste the entire output here.

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  1. Get it to home correctly first.
  2. Then get the Jog controls working properly.
  3. Finally you will get the coordinate system set up.

Finally finally you will be able to make stuff.

You are in good hands with @thelmuth .

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Hi that’s brilliant thanks,
No its never worked its brand new out of the box.
I have the Home working now and the Jog controls all working.

Its the rest that’s not working


Ok, you got it homing to the LF corner and the jog controls now work properly, great.

What is not working for you?

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Hi its not framing in the right direction its going to cut etc in the opposite direction.
The X and Y are in the wrong orientation.



Swap X/Y output to laser in Device Settings window might do that.

This isn’t making sense to me. If it’s homing properly and jog controls are working properly, it should cut properly. Perhaps you could do a short video showing exactly what is going on. Be sure to show your Lightburn screen as well as the laser operation. You cannot upload a video here, it needs to be hosted elsewhere and linked to it.

I’ve just struggled to set up mine. Take it for want it’s worth but for me Just getting homing and jog correct is not enough. All of your coordinates need to be reading positive. What helped me was turning on Show last position in the laser window. If it shows the bullseye opposite to where your laser actually is then you need to do an offset.

Use G10 and not G54 for this.

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I hope I remember this when I need it. Where were you when I replaced my CNC motherboard?

I have hard time with coordinate system. It helped me visualize where the controller thinks the laser is.

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